North West Regional Palliative Care Program


 "All of my care providers will work together with me and my family to support our quality of life throughout this journey and respond to our needs in a coordinated way."


What is
Hospice Palliative Care?

Hospice palliative care is a philosophy of care that aims to relieve suffering and improve the quality of living for people who are living with or dying from advanced illness. It is provided in many different settings - hospices, hospitals, long-term care facilities and homes. The focus of hospice palliative care is to meet the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of both the patient and their loved ones.

To learn more about the 10 Myths of Palliative Care (from Canadian Virtual Hospice) Click Here

Hospice palliative care:

  • Is appropriate for any individual and/or family living with, or at risk of developing, a life-threatening illness due to any diagnosis, with any prognosis, regardless of age, and at any time they have unmet expectations and/or needs, and are prepared to accept care.

  • May complement and enhance disease-modifying, restorative or rehabilitative care or it may become the total focus of care.

  • Is most effectively delivered by an inter-professional team of healthcare providers skilled in all aspects of the caring process related to hospice palliative care that may include unregistered staff.

  • Is most effectively provided when the care is integrated at the clinical, organizational and overall system level.

  • Is person and family centred, respecting their social, spiritual and cultural practices. Includes end of life care but is not limited to the time immediately preceding death.

The Ontario Palliative Care Network is a partnership, funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, which is dedicated to help deliver on Ontario’s commitment to palliative care. Our goal is a hospice palliative care system that puts the patient and their family at the centre of every decision, and that is available to all Ontarians who need it regardless of age or disease type.
